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pISSN : 1598-9585

일본언어문화 , Vol.66 (2024)

単独動詞と「うち+単独動詞」の意味関係 について


(仁荷大学校 日語日本学科 博士課程)

This paper focused on the single verbs and the compound verbs: ‘uchi-’ which can be replace by each other, and compared the meanings of these words according to the types of meanings of the preceding verb ‘utsu’. I clarified there are four major types of meanings of the preceding verb ‘utsu’: (1) applying a shock to the target, (2) creating, (3) releasing, and (4) touching strongly mentally. As for type (1), I considered ‘otosu, uchiotosu’ and ‘kaesu, uchikaesu’, and clarified ‘uchi’ means the way to perform the action of the latter verb. And through the consideration of ‘narasu, uchinarasu’ I also revealed ‘uchi’ sometimes means “by hitting” and sometimes means “strongly”. And through the consideration of ‘katsu, uchikatsu’, ‘kesu, uchikesu’ it also became clear that ‘uchi’ means “with all my might” or “everything, completely”. As for type (2), I considered ‘tateru, uchitateru’ and ‘dasu, uchidasu’, and clarified ‘uchi’ means “to create something new and give a shock” or “to clearly (strongly) indicate something that created newly”. As for type (3), I considered ‘suteru, uchisuteru’ and ‘nagameru, uchinagameru’, and revealed ‘uchi’ means “to release” or “strongly”. ‘Uchi’ sometimes weakens the latter verb, such as “leaving it alone without properly disposing of it” or “staring blankly into the distance” but sometimes strengthens the latter verb, such as “to strongly decide to cut off one’s interest in the object” or “to observe thoroughly”. As for type (4), I considerer ‘shizumu, uchisizumu’ and ‘furueru, uchifurueru’, and clarified ‘uchi’ means “suffered a strong psychological shock”.

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