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pISSN : 1598-9585

일본언어문화 , Vol.66 (2024)



(전주대학교 일본언어문화학과 부교수)

This study focused on analyzing the popular drama of Kabuki and Joruri, and clarified the changes in the perception of Joseon during the Edo period. Japanese people during the Edo period often confused the images of Joseon and China, as the image of Watonai’s tiger hunting in “Kokusennya Gassen” overlaps with the image of Kato Kiyomasa’s tiger hunting in the Bunroku Keicho role. Furthermore, guides to Joseon such as “Joseon-raityo-monogatari” and entertainment works such as “Tojinn-gorosi” show that Empress Jingu’s conquest of the Three Koreas and Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s invasion of Korea were recognized as wars won by Japan. The procession of envoys was recognized as tribute. This is the result of the so-called “Japanese-style Huayi thought” This can be seen in the late Edo period Kabuki play “Sitennno-Ubuyuno-Tamagawa” in which a Chinese envoy comes to pay tribute to a Japanese military commander.

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